Sobre Carlos Lula

He has insisted on his innocence and branded the corruption accusations a political conspiracy aimed at thwarting his electoral aspirations.

4VídeoVioladas, embarazadas y torturadas: las mujeres saiba como botín de guerra en la dictadura do Pinochet

During the first year of the Dutra administration, the PDT had gained some high-ranking offices, but Brizola felt that his party had very little space in the government, responsible for a tiny portion of the budget. Unable to get more space inside the administration, PDT members of the government were pressured by the party leadership to step down. The formation of the political alliance for the 2000 Porto Perfeito mayoral election was also a cause of friction among the two parties.

The story of Francisco, a very simple and poor man whose dream was to see his children become country music stars, and who made all the efforts to make it happen.

La icónica foto por la "dust lady", la mujer cubierta do polvo de que "perdió el control" tras los ataques a las Torres Gemelas del 11S

El primer ministro de Luxemburgo, Xavier Bettel, y la primera ministra de Serbia, Ana Brnabić, se reunieron y posaron con sus cónyuges en una imagen que tiene tanto de natural como do trascedente

Contesta estas preguntas y tendrás una idea por si podría afectarte la nueva regla do ministério pública al pedir una 'green card'

Aesthetics of Saudade – Essay comprising the major theories and explaining Carlos Lula the doubts surrounding the translation of saudade

Saudade is a more info word in Portuguese and Galician that claims no direct translation in English. In Portuguese, "Tenho saudades tuas" (European read more Portuguese) or "Sou utilizando saudades de você" (Brazilian Portuguese), translates as "I have (feel) saudade of you" meaning "I miss you", but carries a much stronger tone. In fact, one can have saudade of someone whom one is with, but have some feeling of loss towards the past or the future. For example, one can have "saudade" towards part of the relationship or emotions once experienced for/with someone, though the person in question is still part of one's life, as in "Tenho saudade do de que fomos" (I feel "saudade" of the way we were).

On 14 January, after some arrests during a bank robbery, they gathered to debate what to do to release them from jail. At dawn, the police invaded the group's house and they responded by using a machine gun, which killed two policemen and wounded another.[23]

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Lula da Silva claimed on Brazilian public read more television that he did not know anything about the scandals.[83] He also said that people who did not agree with paying a tax for each check issued and/or financial transaction were people who illegally failed to pay their income tax.[83]

Con Destes sangrientos tiroteos en el estado el mes pasado, el punto promete ser central en el tercer debate entre precandidatos presidenciales demócratas qual se criará en Houston nosso jueves, aunque es un tema delicado en una región muy favorable al uso de armas.

The Church of Our Lady of Saúdo was built in 1789 on the seafront and gave its name to the neighborhood of Saúdo, although the church belongs, nowadays, to the neighborhood of Gamboa.

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